Welcome Message

This blog celebrates the beauty of Asian men by illustrating the depth and variety that is so often missed by those who make foolish statements like "All Asians look the same." It is primarily a photo blog, but I will also occasionally write comments related to Asian men and gay life as it relates to them.

Monday, March 12, 2007


A conversation this weekend has helped me to think through some of the priorities in my life. As regular OYGA readers have no doubt noticed, my posts lately, though relatively consistent, have been severely lacking in any creative content besides the daily eye candy.

This has been unavoidable, as my life lately has been rather crazy, particularly with my job in a company that is in a tailspin it is unlikely to recover from. Consequently, I am trying to balance the demands of a very full-time job with the fairly-urgent need to find a new job in a more stable situation.

As a smart friend reminded me this weekend, I need to make sure I am dedicating the maximum amount of effort possible to my occupation situation and not allow myself to use other things (such as blogging) to be used as an escape from the stress I have been under for far too long. For, when I spend my time on things less important, I ultimately only will increase my stress and delay its resolve.

So, today OYGA is going on an indefinite hiatus. Although I have every intent to return to blogging at some point, I cannot today tell you at what point that will be. I will keep the blog up, and perhaps I will be able to give an update along the way. But at this point, I don't plan to post again until my job situation has settled down and I am comfortably-settled into whatever new opportunity awaits.

Thanks to all who have been so kind in your comments and visits. I do hope that I will be back here again soon....keep checking!

And, as a parting gift to you, thanks to the great work of the folks at Blogger and Picasa, you can see 1,000 of the photos I have posted on OYGA in photo albums on Picasa by clicking on the picture below. Enjoy!

Click here for photo albums!


Saturday, March 10, 2007


Happy Weekend!


Friday, March 09, 2007




Thursday, March 08, 2007


Ever find a picture of a guy who just captures your attention? This first guy has such a warm and inviting smile, definitely a nice way to brighten this Thursday morning!


Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Here are some guys who remind us that being a muscle-bound hunk is definitely not the end-all definition of beauty!